var jsLang = { "資料庫忙線中" :"Database busy", "刪除" :"Delete", "請輸入Email" :"Email Please enter Email", "您輸入的Email格式錯誤" :"Error format", "您已成功新增一筆貨到通知當商品有貨時我們會儘快通知您" :"Add successfully. We will notify you if it arrive.", "訂閱電子報成功" :"Subscribe e-Newsletter successfully", "取消訂閱電子報成功" :"Unsubscribe e-Newsletter successfully", "庫存不足" :"No stock", "確定刪除這個項目嗎" :"Are you sure to cancel this item?", "確定刪除這個項目嗎2" :"Delete this item", "確定加入購物車嗎" :"Add to cart?", "商品庫存不足" :"No stock.", "加入購物車成功" :"Successfully Added to Shopping Cart.", "確定取消這筆訂單嗎" :"Cancel this order?", "請輸入抵用券序號" :"Please enter eCoupon Serial Number.", "抵用券序號格式錯誤" :"eCoupon format error.", "請輸入正確的抵用券序號及密碼" :"Please enter correct eCoupon Serial Number.", "請輸入活動通關字串" :"Please enter Promo Code.", "確定將這個項目加入下次買" :"Move to NEXT TIME.", "此商品已成功加入下次買" :"Move to NEXT TIME successfully", "請選擇數量" :"Quantity Required.", "修改購物車成功" :"Shopping Cart updated.", "請選擇規格" :"Please select spec.", "件商品無法享免費索取確定選購嗎" :"This item is not free offered. Are you sure to add to cart?", "卡片數已經超過可使用上限" :"The Promo code is exceeded the using times.", "取消訂單成功" :"Cancel order successfully.", "因商品配送有重量限制需低於5公斤目前您的商品累計約為" :"Delivery weight up to 5 kg. Currently your order weight is kg.", "公斤建議您將商品分批訂購以利配送" :"We recommend that separate your order." }